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Summer Tour and Save the Bees


Birds and Beasts are a dynamic duo and they certainly know how to please a crowd. They have been busy behind the scenes working on new music and releasing a new single 'The Day I Was Born' #Savethebees #r2bigbeechallenge from their latest Album 'Kozmik Disko' which is all about about amorous bee waiting to fulfill his destiny and meet the queen. The album, Kozmik Disko features Two hippos who posture and bicker at the watering hole, - The Bloat. Two Lance tailed manakin birds team up to impress a female with their coordinated dancing, but only one of them will get the chance to mate - Dancemaster and a hedgehog wakes up early from hibernation to find that the surroundings have changed - Silvermoon Array. And so the stories/songs continue....

Take a look at this fabulous Music Promo here The Day I Was Born

Catch Birds and Beasts on Tour..

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